Announcing ASP.NET features in Visual Studio 2015 Preview and VS2013 Update 4

Today's Visual Studio Connect() event brought a huge amount of announcements. From open sourcing .NET, delivering an officially supported runtime to Linux & Mac OS X, and the naming of Visual Studio - it is no longer "14" but will go by the name Visual Studio 2015, to "little" things like VS2013 Update 4, a free edition of Visual Studio, partnership with Xamarin, and many, many more.

However, one thing that is important and relevant to my yesterday's post, are the new tooling features of Visual Studio 2015 in relation to ASP.NET vNext. Those of you who were present at my talk yesterday heard me that many improvements are still coming, and this is the first major step towards those improvements. I can't wait to spin up a virtual machine and start playing.

More about this, at the MSDN Blogs.

Important, noteworthy improvements:

  • A new NuGet package manger, integrated with the References feature
  • Dependencies node for Bower and NPM integration (huge!)
  • JSON editor
  • Unification of projects to "one web" template

More to follow. Keep in mind: DO NOT USE ON PRODUCTION SYSTEMS.

Image source: MSDN blogs