Muse in zagreb: ambience

I remembered yesterday that I tried to capture the feeling of the concert I was at. I used my Nokia E65 so it's not HD, but I know you won't mind ;-). Video: Muse, Zagreb [] By the way, you can also check…

Muse, Zagreb

Woooooohoooo, the Adrenaline is still here, after one whole day =). Maybe the drivers in Zagreb had something to do with it, but I'm guessing that the majority of the blame is on the band called Muse. If you don't know them, this right here […

pool time

There are only two sports I like, Squash [] and Pool []. And today was pool time with Jan, Petra and Urša. But, obviously, my camera went with me :) (to the dismay of many :D ). [https://www.…


After browsing the web today, I came across something really brilliant -- a really nice idea. At least in my opinion. The project is called eighthundred []. I've come across the project by browsingPeter Carr […

Sečovlje salina

So, after having updated my theme (something new) I decided to post some pictures from earylier in my photographic career (er... 4 months ago - but nevertheless, something old). So, a bit of explaining. I liked my previous theme, but there was something missing (for me). So, after having looked…

Jessica in full color

As promised yesterday, here's Jessica. This time in color. [] [] For the next one, I'd really appriciate some advice, in particular, how about this effect: […

Jessica - BW

> When the cat is away, the mouses1 are playing. So, as you may know, thanks to Outlook being my RSS reader, I managed to spot a post [] from Peter where he's looking for an assistant. So I decided to give it a…

Jessica with Peter Bernik - teaser

As you know, today I was an asistant for Peter Bernik []. Since my best friend is waiting in his car (pool time!) this is just a teaser... =) [] […