Bolero: Zanzi-bar

So, some of you know it already, some guessed it, I got a new lens a couple of days ago. And the same day I went out and tested it. I had a chance to take a few photos of Bolero's []Zanzi-bar show [http://blog.vodovnik.…

zanzi-bar, sneak peek

Yesterday I finally got it.**** It caaaaaaaaaaaaame!!! It's Here!!!! It's MINE, MINE, MINE. So, anyway, since I got it, it was only fair that I tested it immediately. And what better place than a poorly lit theater. I shot Bolero's Zanzi-bar dance show. I was there at the rehearsal so…

happy december

And so it starts.... the December. And it started with my company's []new year party. Just two pictures, to show how it's been. I'll post more in the upcoming days :-). []…

a signature...

A signature can mean a lot to people... it can be something as simple as an autograph from a favorite band... it can be a signature from a client that a project is finished... it can be a signature on the marriage certificate list... But a lot of times, a…

Severina, Ljubljana - Križanke

So, after getting some sleep, going to work, and driving home for 1 hour due to the traffic jams around Ljubljana I finally started writing my "report" from yesterday's concert. My Delo report is available here [,104,242377]. By tomorrow I…

Cosmpolitan's run in high heels

Yesterday was a busy day for me. It started with going to the Cosmopolitan's [] Run in high heels. As far as the event goes it was interesting, but Adriamedia [] could have done better! In particular, the run itself should have…

Bloggers Unite!

As Had mentioned on his blog in the post about citizen's journalism [] , there was a lot of it after the floods. There were mentions of the disaster at Svetlobne iluzije [], Petrov plac [http://peterpsi.blogspot.…

Cosmopolitan's "run in heels"

Cosmopolitan is organizing a run in heels on saturday, 22.9.2007. There will be 100 women running in high heels through the city center of Ljubljana. There will also be a "photo competition" going on. If anybody's comming, feel free to leave a comment. I know Had [http://www.…