Monitoring the health of your (web) application

Anyone who has ever deployed their web application to production has already ran into the problem of how to monitor the health of that application. Is it online? Is it running? How fast is it performing? Are there any errors I need to be aware of? Which version is deployed?…

Business Continuity and Cloud Services in Azure

When we build (web) applications, we generally think a lot about the availability and reliability of those applications. That is one of the primary reasons why the "cloud" has been so great. Recently, I was tasked to find the best way to make a Cloud Service (if you're wondering why… What's new in vNext & MVC6?

Microsoft hosted a developer event in Slovenia, called TechDays []and have invited me to present some of the new features of ASP.NET vNext and MVC 6. I wanted to post the slides online. They are a combination of slides from Scott Hanselman […

Running Asp.NET vNext on a Mac

I am preparing for a talk I am about to give very soon (more to follow), and I wanted to demo some of the new features of ASP.NET MVC 6 on a Mac. It took reading instructions on multiple sites to get this to work, so I wanted to…

Rock Partyzani - Portorož

Today, I just got home from a Microsoft event - the launch of the new product wave (Visual Studio 2008, Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008) with events entitled "Heroes happen{here}". Anyway, after a full day of lectures, it was time for the closing party. Before and after…

Prljavo Kazalište

Although I've posted the Magnifico concert first [], I've actually covered Prljavo Kazalište first, but I haven't had the chance to post it on my blog. Those of you reading e-Delo could have already read my report […